I used to be on top of this kind of news. I’m in the process of converting my music CDs into mp3’s* (thus probably violating several federal laws) largely because I’m tired of packing my briefcase full of CDs. Anyway, while ripping Wall of Voodoo‘s Call of the West, I got curious and searched Google … Continue reading “Bummer”
Month: November 2004
H.L. Mencken, prophet
(Stolen from Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener….) As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright … Continue reading “H.L. Mencken, prophet”
(via Eschaton) Here’s your Bush Mandate (look here).
I hate spammers
IMAGINE, just for a moment, what life would be like if you didn’t have to make those miserable, awful, burdensome Card payments, month after month? IMAGINE, just for a moment, what life would be like if you didn’t have to read those miserable, awful, burdensome spam emails?
Newspaper Cover of the Week
(via email)
People are Stupid, Part IV
Bush: 59,108,395 (51% total) Kerry: 55,554,114 (48% total) See also: People are Stupid People are Stupid, Part II This explains a lot… People are Stupid, Part III
Visitor’s Guide to Driving in St. Louis
(stolen from stlbloggers.com) There are 75 “official neighborhoods” in the City of St. Louis. St. Louisans commonly give directions (especially for restaurants) to strangers based on these neighborhoods which aren’t marked on any maps that are handed out by the tourist board, the AAA or Mapquest. There are 54 school districts — on the Missouri … Continue reading “Visitor’s Guide to Driving in St. Louis”
Music that doesn’t suck
Here’s a small and not very representative list (basically what I had on hand when I wrote this) of some of the music I listen to. Black Light Syndrome The Whole Story The Red Shoes VH1 Presents the Corrs Live in Dublin Talk On Corners [Special Edition] Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t … Continue reading “Music that doesn’t suck”