(from the too cool not to share dept.) The trailer for Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Extended Edition can be found here.
Month: November 2004
The Screen Savers
Out of morbid curiosity, I endured the premiere episode of the new incarnation of The Screen Savers. Here’s my review (I’m stealing a bit from a classic Bloom County strip): G4TechTV’s recently retooled The Screen Savers has brought the word “bad” to new levels of badness. This show just oozed rottenness from every bad segment… … Continue reading “The Screen Savers”
Medically Supervised Anecdotal Study
I heard this phrase in a radio advertisement: In a recent medically supervised anecdotal study, over 96% of the participants who took Product X*, reported an increase in libido and erectile strength. What is a medically supervised anecdotal study? Why not have a real clinical trial of Product X? Probably because a real clinical trial … Continue reading “Medically Supervised Anecdotal Study”
Guess the Location
See if you can guess where this picture was taken (winner gets a Gmail invitation). Post a comment to submit your answer. Clue (11-06-2004): Not Port Liberty, New Jersey Clue (10-28-2004): Not South Korea. Clue (10-27-2004): Look here Clue (10-17-2004): Not the Gyaing River, Myanmar. Clue (10-14-2004): this picture was taken @ June 1990
Falwell’s Thanksgiving message
(via Media Matters for America) I thank God now in the 21st century for talk radio, that three hours a day people like Sean Hannity1, Rush Limbaugh1,2, and hundreds of others are telling the truth of what really is going on. I thank God for FOX News Channel1. I thank God for the Internet bloggers … Continue reading “Falwell’s Thanksgiving message”
Alternative Warning Labels for Textbooks
(from the countering creationist idiocy dept.) (via Pharyngula) Textbook disclaimer stickers: I like the idea of printing these stickers and sending them to students in school districts that pass or are trying to pass these silly textbook disclaimer laws.
Presidential Yacht
(from the I want a boat too, but I don’t expect someone else to pay for it dept.) (via Eschaton) Congress Passes $388 Billion Spending Bill: The Senate voted 65-30 for the legislation late on Saturday that sets aside funds for a range of priorities including a presidential yacht, foreign aid and energy. It is … Continue reading “Presidential Yacht”
Dubya: The Movie
(via email) dubyamovie.com
Chock full of artery clogging goodness
(via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener….) Hardee’s introduces new mega-calorie Monster Thickburger: ST. LOUIS (AP) — As many fast-food chains are catering to the health-conscious, Hardee’s is introducing the biggest and thickest of its Thickburgers — one with enough calories to make Ronald McDonald blush. The St. Louis-based chain on Monday rolled out its Monster … Continue reading “Chock full of artery clogging goodness”
As if Linux wasn’t cool enough already
I’ve been playing around with Hydrogen – an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux. So far, it seems to be full featured (I’m more familiar with “real” drums). Hydrogen can import sound samples in .wav, .au, and .aiff formats and export “songs” to midi and wav files. Hydrogen uses an XML file for its native song … Continue reading “As if Linux wasn’t cool enough already”