(via The Talent Show) Nation Building. Bush was against ‘nation building’ — NOW he’s for it. Homeland Security. Bush was against a Homeland Security Department — NOW he’s for it. U.N. Vote. Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq — DAYS LATER, he announced … Continue reading “Top 15 Flip-Flops of George W. Bush”
Month: March 2004
Waffle Recipes
From the Albany Democrat-Herald: Best waffle recipes From GoErie.com: Your house becomes Waffle House with clone recipe And then there’s Homer Simpson’s Space-Age Out-of-This-World Moon Waffles: Ingredients One bag caramel cubes Waffle mix One bottle Liquid Smoke One stick butter Directions Empty bag of caramels onto waffle iron. Add generous portion of waffle batter (Oooooh… … Continue reading “Waffle Recipes”
Badger Badger Badger Badger
If, as some people believe, there is a fine line between the banal and the clever,
this has certainly crossed it:
I’ll let you decide which direction.
From the Mouths of Cyborgs
(via Eschaton) If the Democratic policies had been pursued over the last two or three years, the kind of tax increases that both Kerry and Edwards have talked about, we would not have had the kind of job growth that we’ve had. — Dick Cheney Sometimes, even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
Nonstick cooking spray should not be used on waffle irons
Good to know (via www.oregonlive.com): If you’ve been using nonstick cooking spray on your waffle iron, it could cause the sticking. Nonstick cooking spray should not be used because the waffle iron becomes too hot when preheated, causing the lecithin in the spray to burn and leaving a sticky residue.