(and Bill O’Reilly is insane) – Find out why. Help make Roger Ailes even madder (click below to by the book): Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right – Al Franken
Category: Politics
GI Joke
An Incredibly Insightful Quote from Jon Stewart
I do believe we need to go to a 24-hour fake news channel, Fox can’t be the only fake news channel out there! — Jon Stewart (The Daily Show) To be fair, The Daily Show is somewhat less fake than Fox News.
The Thought Police are Watching
Here’s a disturbing story (via This Modern World) Apparently, someone got a visit from the FBI because he was observed reading a “printout of some kind” in public. Full story: Careful: The FB-eye may be watching The article that got the author in trouble: Weapons Of Mass Stupidity
People are Stupid, Part II
Here’s some disturbing polling data from Program on International Policy Attitudes: Among those who approved of the decision to go to war and were not just supporting the president (53% of the sample), a majority of 52% said the US has found weapons of mass destruction (48%) or did not know (4%). Among Republicans who … Continue reading “People are Stupid, Part II”
Here’s a good one from: APS – What’s New by Bob Park – May 23, 2003. 2. PUBLIC SUPPORT: THE MISSILE DEFENSE AGENCY COLORING BOOK. This year’s celebration of Public Service Recognition Week, we confess, slipped by without our notice. It is celebrated each year during the first week of May to honor government employees. … Continue reading “THE MISSILE DEFENSE AGENCY COLORING BOOK”
People are Stupid
Here’s some disturbing polling data from PollingReport.com (via Eschaton) “As far as you know, how many of the September 11th terrorist hijackers were Iraqi citizens: most of them, some of them, just one, or none?” Most of them 21% Some of them 23% Just one 6% None 17% Don’t know 33% (Knight Ridder poll conducted … Continue reading “People are Stupid”