Here’s a recent entry (spelling and formatting preserved) from my Guestbook. The author of this entry felt this information was so important he posted it 12 times!!! Name: Roger WykoffEmail: [deleted]Date: Tue Jul 13 05:09:09 2004Homepage: From: IndianaReferred from: GoogleComments: I keep hearing Vietnam Veteran everytime this joker makes a speech. Below adds some perspective. … Continue reading “Typical Wingnuttery”
Category: Politics
More Compassionate Conservatism
People affected by offshoring should “stop whining.” (via InformationWeek) SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas Donohue is promoting overseas outsourcing of jobs as a way to boost the economy and even increase employment–a stance that rankles jobless white-collar workers, particularly in the flagging technology industry. … Donohue acknowledged the … Continue reading “More Compassionate Conservatism”
All about the Reagans
(via Joe Bob’s Week in Review) The Ronald Reagan Legacy Project has spent the past three years planning to get the $10 bill changed to feature Reagan instead of Alexander Hamilton. Meanwhile, Representative Jeff Miller of Florida introduced a bill to put Reagan on the half- dollar coin, domain of JFK, while Representative Dana Rohrabacher … Continue reading “All about the Reagans”
(via The Laporte Report) John Kerry is being Google-bombed by conservative activists (“waffles” -> John Kerry). Since this web site has a high ranking for waffles and things related to waffles, I’m helping out our conservative friends so their efforts don’t become a miserable failure.
Not going to happen…
(via Joe Bob’s Week in Review) The Palme d’Or, top prize at the Cannes Film Festival, was awarded to Michael Moore for his documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11.” Isn’t it customary, when an American wins one of the world’s top competitions (Tour de France, Nobel Prize, Olympics), for the winner to be invited to the White House?
Yet Another Bush Joke
(via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener….) How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a lightbulb? The Answer is SEVEN: one to deny that a lightbulb needs to be replaced one to attack and question the patriotism of anyone who has questions about the lightbulb, one to blame the previous administration for … Continue reading “Yet Another Bush Joke”
Mr. Bush called for a continuing battle to end racial equality
(via Eschaton) NYT: Across town, Mr. Bush called for a continuing battle to end racial equality, and pointed to his No Child Left Behind law as the way to accomplish that. Just in case the Times fixes their “error”:
Illudium PU-36
(via APS – What’s New by Bob Park – April 16, 2004) HAFNIUM-178: JUST WHEN YOU THINK LIFE CAN’T GET ANY SILLIER. The cover of Popular Mechanics for May proclaims the dawn of the age of atomic airplanes powered by miniature nuclear reactors. These are not old-fashioned fission reactors. These are the new “quantum nucleonic … Continue reading “Illudium PU-36”
Yet Another Bush Flip Flop List
Here’s a well-documented flip flop list from the Center for American Progress. kos has a summary.
Pre 9-11: All about missile defense
(via Daily Kos) On Sept. 11, 2001, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice was scheduled to outline a Bush administration policy that would address “the threats and problems of today and the day after, not the world of yesterday” — but the focus was largely on missile defense, not terrorism from Islamic radicals. The speech provides … Continue reading “Pre 9-11: All about missile defense”