(via email) Mother in Park
Category: Politics
George W. Bush is a …
girlie man. (via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener) Melanie Matson at Just a Bump in the Beltway presents an interesting point/counterpoint: two articles about campaign appearances by the two candidates: John Kerry: has hecklers in his audience; Kerry and his wife (introducing her husband) actually trade barbs with the pro-Bush hecklers. George W. Bush: restricts … Continue reading “George W. Bush is a …”
Dick Cheney’s Brilliant Legislative Career
(via John Kerry for President – Rapid Response Center) Cheney’s Legislative Career by the Numbers 96th Congress: 4 Sponsored; 0 became Law 97th Congress: 4 Sponsored: 0 became Law 98th Congress: 8 Sponsored: 0 became Law 99th Congress: 7 Sponsored: 1 became Law (H.R.1246 : A bill to establish a federally declared floodway for the … Continue reading “Dick Cheney’s Brilliant Legislative Career”
Yet More Compassionate Conservatism
Unhappy Workers Should Take Prozac –Bush Campaigner WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A campaign worker for President Bush said on Thursday American workers unhappy with low-quality jobs should find new ones — or pop a Prozac to make themselves feel better. “Why don’t they get new jobs if they’re unhappy — or go on Prozac?” said Susan … Continue reading “Yet More Compassionate Conservatism”
Best Domain Name Ever
OK, maybe not the best, but still pretty good: www.sweetjesusihatebilloreilly.com
2004 Republican Convention Event Schedule
(via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener) 2004 Republican Convention Event Schedule By Rich Proctor AUG. 30 OPENING PRAYER read by Mel Gibson, while being flogged with a spiked leather strap wielded by Ann Coulter, who will enjoy it a little too much. TOM RIDGE raises National Alert Level to RED. LEST WE FORGET — HONORARY … Continue reading “2004 Republican Convention Event Schedule”
Only in Florida
Florida Republicans Tell Some Voters to Skip Touchscreens, Vote Absentee TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – Republican Gov. Jeb Bush has tried for months to persuade Florida voters touchscreen voting machines are reliable. His own party apparently hasn’t gotten the message. The state GOP paid for a flier critical of the new technology and sent it to … Continue reading “Only in Florida”
What Bush Is Not
(via The Talent Show) Negative Capability (Harpers.org): The following assertions were collected from public statements made by George W. Bush and his official spokesmen since 1997. Originally from Harper’s Magazine, May 2004. The President of the United States is not a fact-checker. I’m not a statistician. I’m not a numbers-cruncher. I’m not one of these … Continue reading “What Bush Is Not”
Paris Business Review
Paris Business Review / Revue des Affaires de Paris There is no “Paris Business Review” and Bill O’Reilly is a liar. Media Matters for America O’REILLY: Now if the [Canadian] government — if your government harbors these two deserter [sic], doesn’t send them back … there will be a boycott of your country which will … Continue reading “Paris Business Review”
Release the Bush Records
(via John Kerry for President – D-Bunker) Mary Beth Cahill to Ken Mehlman: Release the Bush Records July 13, 2004 Ken Mehlman Campaign Manager BUSH-CHENEY ’04, Inc. Dear Ken: Over the past several months, allies of the President have questioned John Kerry’s patriotism while your staff has criticized his service in Vietnam. Republicans and their … Continue reading “Release the Bush Records”