I’d like to see Dubya try to answer these… Of God and War (soul stealing registration required): Do you really believe that there are fewer terrorists plotting against America today than there were before you began the invasion of Iraq? Your version of Christianity supports and blesses preventive war. What relation is this to the … Continue reading “Some Debate Questions for George W. Bush”
Category: Politics
GOP Voter Vault Shipped Overseas
(via Daily Kos) GOP Voter Vault Shipped Overseas When the Republican Party clinched close gubernatorial races in Mississippi and Kentucky in 2003, it relied heavily on its Voter Vault database to get people to the voting booths. Though party officials are tight-lipped about what’s inside the Vault, they’ve acknowledged it contains records on an estimated … Continue reading “GOP Voter Vault Shipped Overseas”
Light Bulb Veterans for Truth
(stolen from Brad DeLong) Q: How does George W. Bush change a lightbulb? A: John Kerry says that the light bulb needs to be changed. Flip-flopper. We do not need to change the lightbulb! We need to stay the course!
Yet Another Bush Memo
(via email)
This time, right wing bloggers are accepting the authenticity of this memo without question.
Is he surprised?
A year from now I’d be surprised if there’s not some grand square in Baghdad that is named after President Bush. — Richard Perle (September 22, 2003)
Dan Rather vs George Bush on the facts
(via Christian Grantham) Dan Rather vs George Bush on the facts Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor given documents he thought were true failed to thoroughly investigate the facts reported documents to the American people as true to make his case when confronted with the facts, apologized and launched an investigation number of Americans dead: 0 … Continue reading “Dan Rather vs George Bush on the facts”
(via Blah3.com) Kerry HQ vandalized again: Burned campaign signs and apparent pro-President Bush messages scrawled in a tarry black substance greeted volunteers Thursday morning at Lafayette’s presidential campaign headquarters for U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. Lafayette city police are investigating the apparent vandalism, which did not damage the Buchanan Street building other than scorch marks … Continue reading “Brownshirts”
Republican Family Values
(via Eschaton) The Bogus Assault — Father Freeper of the Year
Bush: ‘Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over’
An oddly prescient article (this link is broken) from the January 18, 2001 issue of the The Onion. Update: Now there’s a hyperlinked version.
The World’s Shortest Blog
(via The Laporte Report) Just One Question… “How many times have you been arrested, Mr. President?” Why not?