People are Stupid, Part III

The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters: 1. Iraq, WMD, and al Qaeda A large majority of Bush supporters believe that before the war Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or a major program for building them. A substantial majority of Bush supporters assume that most experts believe Iraq had WMD and that this … Continue reading “People are Stupid, Part III”

Bush Light Bulb Joke

(stolen from William Gibson) How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a light bulb? None. There’s nothing wrong with that light bulb. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision and nothing has happened to change our minds. People who criticize this light bulb now, just because it … Continue reading “Bush Light Bulb Joke”

“Protect Our Civil Liberties” is an anti-Bush phrase

(via Responding to the number of examples of American voters being turned away, or removed from George W. Bush’s visits to their cities and states, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe hosted a national conference call with Oregon teachers who were kicked out of an Oct. 14 Medford Bush rally for wearing T-shirts saying, … Continue reading ““Protect Our Civil Liberties” is an anti-Bush phrase”

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Community

Without a Doubt (soul stealing registration required): In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn’t like about Bush’s former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House’s displeasure, and then he told me something … Continue reading “Proud Member of the Reality-Based Community”

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