(stolen from Pharyngula)
Category: Politics
Damn America … just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable. … When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. … It was the Law of the … Continue reading “HST”
(via Eschaton) From the Fascist Conservative Political Action Conference – Among the believers: Vice President Dick Cheney, a regular CPAC speaker, gave the keynote address. California Rep. Chris Cox had the honor of introducing him, and he took the opportunity to mock the Democrats whose hatred of America led them to get Iraq so horribly … Continue reading “Morons”
Untested Defense Meets Non-Existent Threat
(via APS – What’s new by Robert L. Park – Friday, 18 Feb 05) 1. MISSILE DEFENSE: UNTESTED DEFENSE MEETS NON-EXISTENT THREAT. In last Sunday’s missile defense test, an interceptor missile again refused to leave its silo. Who can blame it? It’s crazy out there. A month ago, a “minor software glitch” caused a malfunction … Continue reading “Untested Defense Meets Non-Existent Threat”
Nothing like a good football analogy
(via APS – What’s new by Robert L. Park – Friday, 11 Feb 05) 2. PROLIFERATION: TAUNTING IS ONLY AGAINST THE RULES IN THE NFL. Let’s see if we’ve got this right: based on unfounded rumors of nuclear weapons in Iraq, the U.S. committed itself to a war that has so far cost the lives … Continue reading “Nothing like a good football analogy”
(via Eschaton) Let the Word Go Forth: I hereby decree that Dr. James Dobson–founder of Focus on the Family; man of faith; fanatic; fool–be hereby known throughout the land as SpongeDob Stickypants. SpongeDob Stickypants Here’s why.
Religious Right Attacks SpongeBob SquarePants
(from the these people seriously need to get a life dept.) US right attacks SpongeBob video: Focus on the Family and other groups say the video – a remake of the Sister Sledge hit, We Are Family – is a vehicle for pro-gay propaganda. The video’s makers plan to mail it to US schools in … Continue reading “Religious Right Attacks SpongeBob SquarePants”
Uh Oh
(from the this explains everything dept.) (via email) George W. Bush is gathering all armies to him, to cover the land in a second darkness! Thanks to Glorfindel of Gondolin for the caption.
Inaugural Schedule
(via the Ironic Times) 6-9 AM:– Citizens along the parade route are interrogated and strip searched. 10:00 AM:– Attorney General John Ashcroft leads the Abu Ghraib Tabernacle Choir in “Onward Christian Soldiers.” 10:30 AM:– Colin Powell interrogated and strip searched. 11:00 AM:– All Iraqi election officials granted asylum, interrogated and strip searched. Noon:– Dick Cheney … Continue reading “Inaugural Schedule”
Dr. Evil strikes
(via Eschaton) Competitive compassion: This just in from Sri Lanka: Just before his helicopter lifted off, Frist and aides took snapshots of each other near a pile of tsunami debris. “Get some devastation in the back,” Frist told a photographer. Dr. Evil Bill Frist, MD must have entered politics because pretending to care about his … Continue reading “Dr. Evil strikes”