(via Computerworld) Companies should not outsource their core business functions and staff, Microsoft chairman and chief software architect Bill Gates told a group of Japan’s top businessmen today. Gates, who was speaking at the Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), Japan’s biggest and most influential business group, urged IT companies to beware of outsourcing too much … Continue reading “Bill Gates warns against reliance on outsourcing”
Category: Politics
Dr. Evil strikes again
Dr. Evil Bill Frist’s “diagnosis” — after reviewing tape of Terri Schiavo: She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli. Ummmm, she was blind.
You know you’re a Republican when…
(via Daily Kos) Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden” diversion. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is Communist, … Continue reading “You know you’re a Republican when…”
Deep Throat
Deep throat, Deeper than deep your throat Deep throat, Don’t row your boat Don’t get your goat That’s all she wrote Deep throat NO! not that Deep Throat. Washington Post Confirms Felt Was ‘Deep Throat’: The Washington Post today confirmed that W. Mark Felt, a former number-two official at the FBI, was “Deep Throat,” the … Continue reading “Deep Throat”
Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator
(via email) From the FAS website: Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator
Excuse me while I puke
Yet Another Reason to Dislike Santorum
No Free Weather for You: Feds’ weather information could go dark: Do you want a seven-day weather forecast for your ZIP code? Or hour-by-hour predictions of the temperature, wind speed, humidity and chance of rain? Or weather data beamed to your cellphone? But under a bill pending in the U.S. Senate, it might all disappear. … Continue reading “Yet Another Reason to Dislike Santorum”
Another Living Will
(via Straight Goods) Like many of you, I have been compelled by recent events to prepare a more detailed advance directive dealing with end-of-life issues. Here’s what mine says: In the event I lapse into a persistent vegetative state, I want medical authorities to resort to extraordinary means to prolong my hellish semi-existence. Fifteen years … Continue reading “Another Living Will”
Out of Respect
(via Morning Sedition) Many of you may know that the Rev. Jerry Falwell is in critical condition with his second bout of viral pneumonia in five weeks. Granted, any time you mention Jerry Falwell, one feels compelled to denounce the hateful, violent rhetoric he has engaged in for the past 40 years and point out … Continue reading “Out of Respect”
Living Will
(via get your war on) My wife and I made our living wills last night. Mine says that if I fall into a persistent vegetative state, and Tom DeLay comes within a hundred miles of me, I am to turn into a zombie and rip his fucking head off. They can’t prosecute the undead for … Continue reading “Living Will”