(via Media Matters) I have said last year that Israel was entering into the most dangerous period of its entire existence as a nation. That is intensifying this year with the loss of Sharon. Sharon was personally a very likeable person. I am sad to see him in this condition. But I think we need … Continue reading “Radical Cleric Pat Robertson blamed Sharon stroke on policy of ‘dividing God’s land’”
Category: Politics
Year in Review Quiz
[via Roger Ailes (not the evil one)] Take the Quiz.
The 22nd Most Unexpected TV Moment
The 100 Most Unexpected TV Moments: 22 NO JACK KENNEDY: During the 1960 Debates, Vice-Presidential candidate, Rep. Senator Dan Quayle says he has as much experience as JFK did when he ran. Dem. Senator Lloyd Bentsen responds, “you are no Jack Kennedy.” During the 1960 Debates… — I suppose the ineptitude of tvland.com’s proofreaders is … Continue reading “The 22nd Most Unexpected TV Moment”
Wie Zuefabushi
(via Eschaton) Holy crap! The Republicans are sure scraping the bottom of the barrel to fill out congress. talkin’ schmidt: representative jean schmidt (R-Ohio): You know, you all are not getting the big picture. The big picture is that these Islamic insurgents want to destroy us. They don’t like us. They don’t like us because … Continue reading “Wie Zuefabushi”
He’s making a list…
O’Reilly’s Got a Little List: If someday it may happen that a victim must be found I’ve got a little list, I’ve got a little list Of society’s offenders who may well be underground And who never would be missed, they never would be missed. I hope I don’t get left out, I’ve “smeared” Bill … Continue reading “He’s making a list…”
Bill O’Reilly approves of terrorism
O’Reilly to San Francisco: “[I]f Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we’re not going to do anything about it. … You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead”: Criticizing a ballot measure passed by 60 percent of San Francisco voters urging public high schools and colleges to prohibit on-campus military … Continue reading “Bill O’Reilly approves of terrorism”
Radical Cleric Pat Robertson Says Town Rejects God
Robertson Says Town Rejects God: “I’d like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God — you just rejected Him from your city,” Robertson said on his daily television show, “The 700 Club.” “And don’t wonder why He hasn’t helped you when problems … Continue reading “Radical Cleric Pat Robertson Says Town Rejects God”
Sometimes the system works
Apparent End of Dover School Board Reign of Error: Just days after the close of testimony in the Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School Board case, the people got a chance to put in their two cents via school board elections, choosing between the incumbents with their “intelligent design policy”, or the contenders of … Continue reading “Sometimes the system works”
Republican Medicine
As if Dr. Evil Bill Frist’s video tape diagnosis of Terri Schiavo wasn’t enough, now Sen. Tom Coburn is using his “medical skills” as a lie detector.
Matt watches Kent Hovind’s “Blue Series” so you don’t have to
(via Pharyngula) The Hovind Files: Lying for Jesus An interesting summary of the bullshit Hovind spews…