(via What’s new by Bob Park – Friday, July 21, 2006) 1. STEM CELLS: PRESIDENT BUSH CHOOSES SUPERSTITION OVER SCIENCE. On Wednesday, Mr. Bush vetoed the “Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.” The first veto of his presidency was exercised to protect surplus embryonic stem cells in fertility clinics from research, thus preserving their “dignity” so … Continue reading “President Bush Chooses Superstition Over Science”
Category: Politics
Why does anyone even listen to Bill Kristol?
(via Think Progress) This morning on Fox, Bill Kristol continued to escalate his calls for war against Iran, stating, “We can try diplomacy. I’m not very hopeful about that. We have to be ready to use force.” Kristol claimed the people of Iran would embrace “the right use of targeted military force.” He added that … Continue reading “Why does anyone even listen to Bill Kristol?”
And his beer sucks, too
Coors Cited for Drunk Driving: “Beer magnate and former Republican U.S. Senate candidate Pete Coors was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol,” the Denver Post reports. Said Coors: “I made a mistake by driving myself home after a friend’s wedding celebration. I should have planned ahead for a ride. ” I should have … Continue reading “And his beer sucks, too”
Clueless Idiot or Total Moron
(via Pharyngula) Check out: Murder without conscience (Note: this is a mirror of the original) — AND — I’m Totally Psyched About This Abortion! Clueless Idiot or Total Moron — We report, you decide.
A Question for Rush Limbaugh
Why do you need Viagra? If my memory serves me right, Rush Limbaugh is currently unmarried. Why does he need Viagra? Isn’t sex outside of marriage a big no-no for conservatives?
The Defense System is Commensurate with the Threat
And while we’re on the subject of missile defense, check this out: (via What’s new by Bob Park – Friday, June 23, 2006) 1. MISSILES: THE DEFENSE SYSTEM IS COMMENSURATE WITH THE THREAT. President Bush pledged a ballistic missile defense in place by the end of 2004. By election time, interceptors were snug in their … Continue reading “The Defense System is Commensurate with the Threat”
Another Incredibly Insightful Quote from Jon Stewart
(via Eschaton) The House of Representatives is filled with insane jackasses. — Jon Stewart More Jon Stewart Quotes: Happy Holidays Intelligent Design War on Christianity An Incredibly Insightful Quote from Jon Stewart
Hitler vs. Coulter
(via email) Take the quiz.
What color is the sky in their world?
(via email) Thank God for Ronald Reagan & SDI: If not for Ronald Reagan, and his vision and leadership, we would now be at the mercy of that lunatic in North Korea. Instead, we have a workable missile defense against the threat. Not only are we still working on a space-based system, but the technology … Continue reading “What color is the sky in their world?”
The Way a Stripper Works the Pole
(via Peripetia) [Ann Coulter] works the talkshow and lecture circuit the way a stripper works the pole, as a ritualized form of exhibitionism, going through the moves she knows will get the desired response.— James Wolcott