Bartle and Lembke hate democracy

Two seek new stem cell vote Two Republican legislators want Missouri voters to do an about-face on the issue of embryonic stem cell research by tossing out a constitutional amendment approved last month and replacing it with a strict ban on certain forms of research. Republican? Why am I not surprised? The proposed constitutional amendment, … Continue reading “Bartle and Lembke hate democracy”

You can’t call yourself a think tank if all your ideas are stupid

New Rule, in two parts: A) You can’t call yourself a think tank if all your ideas are stupid. And B), if you’re someone from one of the think tanks that dreamed up the Iraq War, and who predicted that we’d be greeted as liberators, and that we wouldn’t need a lot of troops, and … Continue reading “You can’t call yourself a think tank if all your ideas are stupid”

Rick Santorum is an Idiot

Yes, I called a U.S. Senator an idiot, what are you going to do about it? Santorum defends Iraq war Embattled U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum said America has avoided a second terrorist attack for five years because the “Eye of Mordor” has been drawn to Iraq instead. Santorum used the analogy from one of his … Continue reading “Rick Santorum is an Idiot”

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