Here’s my MSDN profile.
Category: Windows
Black Screen of Death
Malware suspected of ‘Black Screen’ issue Malware has been blamed for a problem with the Windows 7 operating system, dubbed the ‘Black Screen of Death’. Some Windows users are confronted by a totally black screen after they log on to their system. Initially it was thought that Microsoft’s own security update could have caused the … Continue reading “Black Screen of Death”
Users report 30GB Zunes seizing up:
Microsoft has acknowledged the issue on the Zune support site. “Customers with 30gb Zune devices may experience issues when booting their Zune hardware. We’re aware of the problem and are working to correct it. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience!”
So much for Microsoft’s iPod killer…
Attention Internet Explorer Users
(via Psychic Plague Panacea) This Page Crashes Internet Explorer <Nelson Muntz> HA-HA! </Nelson Muntz>
Microsoft Light Bulb Jokes
(via email) Q: How many Microsoft tech support people dies it take to change a light bulb? A: Four: One to ask “What is the registration number of the light bulb? ” One to ask “Have you tried rebooting it? ” Another to ask “Have you tried reinstalling it? ” And the last one to … Continue reading “Microsoft Light Bulb Jokes”
Big-ass table
Zune Is No iPod Killer. It’s a Copycat
In other words, a typical Microsoft product.
Get the Current Hour in Batch files
This post has been moved.
I’ll believe it when I see it
Microsoft Office for Linux ‘inevitable’: Microsoft will release a version of Office to run on Linux within the "next couple of years", according to the chief executive of the Open Source Development Lab (OSDL). "They did it once with Apple; they will do it again with Linux," Stuart Cohen said during an interview with … Continue reading “I’ll believe it when I see it”
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a Blog
Check out these links: 2009 Iranian election protests Iran Unrest #iranelection Check out Mr. Ahmadinejad’s blog. I was curious as to what blogging software the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran would use, so looking at the source: <HEAD> <title>يادداشت هاي شخصي احمدي نژاد</title> <meta content="AhmadiNejad , Ahmadi , Nejad , Mahmood , Iran … Continue reading “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a Blog”