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Damn! That’s slick

A method of generating random numbers using a lava lamp was mentioned in this week’s “Security Now!”. I was intrigued enough to find LavaRnd: LavaRnd is a cryptographically sound random number generator. At its heart, it uses a chaotic source to power the generation of very high quality random numbers. As an added bonus, it’s … Continue reading “Damn! That’s slick”

They’ll want a real system and will end up doing VMS when they get to be serious about programming

One of the questions that comes up all the time is: How enthusiastic is our support for UNIX? Unix was written on our machines and for our machines many years ago. Today, much of UNIX being done is done on our machines. Ten percent of our VAXs are going for UNIX use. UNIX is a … Continue reading “They’ll want a real system and will end up doing VMS when they get to be serious about programming”

Five reasons NOT to use Linux

(via Linux-Watch) Reason number one: Linux is too complicatedEven with the KDE and GNOME graphical windowing interfaces, it’s possible — not likely, but possible — that you’ll need to use a command line now and again, or edit a configuration file. Compare that with Windows where, it’s possible — not likely, but possible — that … Continue reading “Five reasons NOT to use Linux”

This one has been around for a long time

I’m sure there are versions of this joke that predate this one… A businessman flew into Seattle for a meeting. Being somewhat of a bigshot, he was to be ferried from the airport to the meeting by helicopter. However, a thick fog had settled over the city, and the helicopter was soon lost. The pilot … Continue reading “This one has been around for a long time”

Bill Gates warns against reliance on outsourcing

(via Computerworld) Companies should not outsource their core business functions and staff, Microsoft chairman and chief software architect Bill Gates told a group of Japan’s top businessmen today. Gates, who was speaking at the Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), Japan’s biggest and most influential business group, urged IT companies to beware of outsourcing too much … Continue reading “Bill Gates warns against reliance on outsourcing”

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