Category: Boats
Piracy Attack Map
(from the this post probably belongs here dept.) Check out the Piracy Attack Map.
Nordic Tug 49
Grand Banks 41 Heritage EU
Nordic Tugs To Relaunch Classic Nordic Tug 26
Nordic Tugs Signs Russian Dealer
Agreement marks Nordic Tugs’ entry into the Russian boating market: Nordic Tugs®, Inc., recently reached an exclusive agreement with Moscow-based dealer Boat Market to sell Nordic Tugs in Russia. Boat Market will take delivery of their first tug, a Nordic Tug 37, this August. (more…)
IMO to back mandatory ECDIS
(via Digital Ship) The years of debate about the mandatory carriage of ECDIS (electronic chart display information systems) seem to be close to a conclusion, with reports from IMO’s NAV54 subcommittee meetings suggesting that members have reached a consensus in favour of making the technology a required fit for ocean going vessels. While confirmation of … Continue reading “IMO to back mandatory ECDIS”
Sea Trial – Nordic Tug 32
Sea Trial – Nordic Tug 32 Sea Magazine – March 2008 FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE NORDIC TUGS were introduced to the public in 1980, major changes have been made to the design of a Nordic Tugs hull. The Burlington, Washington builder has made a design change to the smallest boat in its line: the … Continue reading “Sea Trial – Nordic Tug 32”
C++ functions to convert between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds
There’s a new version.
Nordic Tugs to Display at Düsseldorf Boat Show
(via Burlington, Wash. (Nov. 21, 2007) – Hot on the heels of its successful debut at the Southampton Boat Show in the United Kingdom in September, Nordic Tugs® is set to make its official debut in Germany at the Düsseldorf Boat Show, Jan. 19-27, 2008, Stand 15F06 in Hall 15. On display will be … Continue reading “Nordic Tugs to Display at Düsseldorf Boat Show”