Industry sees recovery in container shipping

Probably a good sign… Industry sees recovery in container shipping By DIEGO CAGAHASTIAN March 25, 2010, 3:15pm SINGAPORE – Leaders of the container shipping industry in Asia and the Pacific predicted Thursday a gradual recovery of their sector following the recent surge in raw material imports by the US and the European Union. Container shipping … Continue reading “Industry sees recovery in container shipping”

Coast Guard to Terminate Loran-C on Feb. 8

(via The U.S. Coast Guard’s Director of Prevention Policy announced Thursday publication in the Federal Register of plans to cease broadcasting the North American Loran-C signal Feb. 8. As a result of technological advancements during the last 20 years and the emergence of the U.S. Global Positioning System, Loran-C is no longer required by … Continue reading “Coast Guard to Terminate Loran-C on Feb. 8”

What are the odds?

( November 18 2009, Times Live Pirates off Somalia attacked a Danish container ship, already hijacked once, but were scared off by a security contingent aboard. The US-flagged Maersk Alabama came under attack from automatic weapons early on Wednesday morning some 350 nautical miles east off the Somali coast but the security team returned fire, … Continue reading “What are the odds?”

Northwest Passage

Nordhavn 57 in the Arctic: Northwest Passage or Bust Climate change is making it more practical to traverse the Northwest Passage in something like a Nordhavn 57: With this route: one could attempt a circumnavigation of the North American continent. Something I’d be willing to try if someone would sponsor the cruise (hint hint). (more…)

Another sign of the times

(via Eschaton) Boats Too Costly to Keep Are Littering Coastlines (soul stealing registration may be required) MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. — Boat owners are abandoning ship. They often sandpaper over the names and file off the registry numbers, doing their best to render the boats, and themselves, untraceable. Then they casually ditch the vessels in the … Continue reading “Another sign of the times”

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