Titanic ll – Because the original was so successful…

China Shipyard Upgrades Ready to Build Titanic ll CSC Jinling Shipyard Co Ltd in Nanjing is to build a replica for Blue Star Line of the liner that notoriously sank in 1912. The project, which will take the state-owned CSC Jinling Shipyard Co Ltd in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, three years to complete, is financed by … Continue reading “Titanic ll – Because the original was so successful…”

Great Lakes Coal Trade Down More Than 12 Percent in July

Shipments of coal on the Great Lakes totaled 2.7 million tons in July Shipments of coal on the Great Lakes totaled 2.7 million tons in July, a slight increase – 63,000 tons – compared to June, but a drop of 12.4 percent compared to a year ago. Loadings fell even more when compared to the … Continue reading “Great Lakes Coal Trade Down More Than 12 Percent in July”

Great Lakes Limestone Up 16 Percent in May

Great Lakes Limestone Moving More Briskly Shipments of limestone on the Great Lakes totaled 3,355,389 net tons in May, an increase of 30 percent compared to April and 15.6 percent better than a year ago. However, shipments were down 9.3 percent compared to the month’s 5-year average. The strongest gains came at U.S. ports. Loadings … Continue reading “Great Lakes Limestone Up 16 Percent in May”

Great Lakes Coal Trade Dips Slightly in April

(marinelink.com) Shipments of coal on the Great Lakes totaled 2.2 million tons in April, a decrease of 3.8 percent compared to a year ago. However, when compared to its 5-year average, the trade was down nearly 27 percent. Loadings at Lake Superior ports increased by nearly 10 percent, but shipments from Chicago fell by a … Continue reading “Great Lakes Coal Trade Dips Slightly in April”

Great Lakes Iron Ore Trade Up 13% in October

Great Lakes Iron Ore Trade Up 13 PCT in October Iron ore shipments on the Great Lakes totaled 5.7 million tons in October, a decrease of 11 percent from September, but an increase of 13 percent compared to a year ago. October loadings also were up 7.2 percent compared to the month’s 5-year average. Shipments … Continue reading “Great Lakes Iron Ore Trade Up 13% in October”

Great Lakes Coal Trade Down in October

Great Lakes Coal Trade Down in October Shipments of coal on the Great Lakes totaled 3 million net tons in October, a decrease of nearly 11 percent compared to September, and a drop of 9.6 percent compared to a year ago. The trade slumped even more – 20.7 percent – when compared to the 5-year … Continue reading “Great Lakes Coal Trade Down in October”

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