Top 15 Flip-Flops of George W. Bush

(via The Talent Show)

  1. Nation Building. Bush was against ‘nation building’ — NOW he’s for it.

  2. Homeland Security. Bush was against a Homeland Security Department — NOW he’s for it.

  3. U.N. Vote. Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq — DAYS LATER, he announced he would not call for a vote.

  4. Osama Bin Laden:
    • September 13, 2001, Bush: “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our Number One Priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
    • March 13, 2002, Bush: “I don’t know where he is. I have no idea and I really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”

  5. 9/11 Commission. Bush was against a 9/11 commission — LATER he supported it.

  6. WMD Investigation. Bush was against an investigation into the Weapons of Mass Destruction absent in Iraq — LATER he approved it.

  7. Middle East. Bush was against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — NOW he pushes for a “road map” and a Palestinian State.

  8. North Korea. Bush said that the U.S. won’t negotiate with North Korea — NOW he will.

  9. Military Benefits. Bush said that ‘help is on the way’ to the military — LATER he cut their benefits.

  10. CO2 emissions. Bush said he would limit carbon dioxide emissions during his campaign — THEN, soon after taking office, he said he wouldn’t limit CO2 emissions.

  11. Deficits. Bush was against deficits — THEN he submitted budgets with the largest deficits in history, after inheriting a budget surplus from the previous administration.

  12. Trade. Bush said he was for free trade — THEN he imposed protectionist tariffs on steel — then he removed the tariffs.

  13. Gay Marriage. Bush was for states right to decide on gay marriage — NOW he is for changing the constitution.

  14. Immigration from Mexico. Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the US — AFTER meeting with Vicente Fox, he’s against it.

  15. National Guard Records. Bush told Tim Russert he would release all of his National Guard records — BUT he hasn’t: his final discharge (DD-214) is missing

Daily Kos has some more on Bush’s flip flops.

6 thoughts on “Top 15 Flip-Flops of George W. Bush”

  1. Let me tell you, president George W.Bush promised fiscal responsibility, but instead has delivered a budget rife with profligate spending By David Tancabel The Republican Party took control of Congress with the 1994 Republican Contract with America on the idea that government “is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with the public’s money.” Almost a decade later, with control of the White House, the Republicans in power have turned around and created the largest budget and deficits this county has ever seen. Vote against George W.Bush

  2. In Regards to #4, Didn’t GW say at some time you could judge his perfomance as president by whether he caught Bin Laden? It was soon after 9/11.

  3. GUN CONTROL: Assaulting good sense

    PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH has forgotten an important campaign promise made by Candidate Bush during the last presidential campaign. He said he would support renewal of the ban on military-style assault weapons. The existing 10-year ban expires Monday, and Mr. Bush hasn’t bothered to pressure Congress to renew it or otherwise explain why he isn’t keeping his promise.

    He can’t hide behind specious GOP comments such as those by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, who says the votes aren’t there to pass an assault weapons ban and that he wouldn’t introduce it even if the president did ask him to. This is a president who’s used to getting his way even when the votes aren’t there. Mr. Bush has the power of the pulpit – to say nothing of the support of two-thirds of Americans who support a ban – to prod Congress to renew the law.

    GOP silence on this issue can be summed up in three letters: NRA, as in National Rifle Association, the powerful gun lobby that opposes the ban.

    The irony is that lawmakers and NRA members who profess to be strong advocates of law and order are standing in the way of keeping America safe from certain weapons.

    This view is widely shared by urban mayors whose cities bear the brunt of gun violence. Mayor Richard Daley noted as much in a letter to Mr. Bush on Wednesday, saying Chicago’s crime rate had dipped for about a decade because of efforts to get guns off the streets. Mr. Daley added that assault-style weapons are used mainly by gang members, drug dealers and perhaps even terrorists but not for hunting, target shooting or other legitimate purposes.

    Thanks to buck-passing from GOP leaders on keeping the ban in place, weapons manufacturers already are taking orders for semiautomatic rifles and high-capacity ammunition magazines, according to the Consumer Federation of America and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Lifting the ban would amount to an indirect gift to urban gangsters and others who crave assault-style weapons.

    It’s as if lawmakers in Washington have remembered nothing about the school massacre in Littleton, Colo., or the D.C.-area sniper attacks. Too bad Mr. Bush isn’t willing to use his power of persuasion to persuade Congress and his NRA buddies that a ban on assault-style weapons is in this nation’s best interest. Critics have every right to call his inaction by its right name: a flip-flop.

    St. Louis Post Dispatch Newspaper 9/10/04

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